SEC meeting

SEC meeting is on 27 October at 10:00am.

Location is the VFW H.Q. at 2431 No.  48th St.   Lincoln NE   402-464-0674

The Omaha World-Herald-honors Nebraska’s living veterans

The Omaha World-Herald is putting together a special section Veterans Day this year that honors Nebraska’s living veterans, As part of that process, they’re looking for local military veterans to share their info with the Omaha World-Herald . All of them who do, will be featured in an online gallery of local veterans. the Omaha World-Herald will pick some to feature more prominently in the section.

The Omaha World-Herald is asking all of these veterans to go to, where they can fill out a short form about their service and submit some photos for our gallery.

The Omaha World-Herald contact
Dan Golden

Online editor

The Omaha World-Herald


[email protected]

Scholarships for Military Veterans

These are for any military veteran or immediate family member and he/she may choose between trade/vocational schools, 2 year or 4 year universities.


Law Office Of Matthew L Sharp Annual Military Scholarship

Link: Sharp Annual Military Scholarship

Amount: $1,000

Application Due Date: 8/1/2018


Keller Law Offices Scholarship for Military Veterans

Link: Keller Scholarship for Military Veterans

Amount: $1,000

Application Due Date:7/15/19


This program is for Army Veterans. This is an Army National Guard program that pays AMVETS Veterans groups $50.00 for each funeral they participate in. The Army National Guard needs to be involved in the event by “touching the flag” folding, presenting, etc. The AMVETS posts can perform the shooting part of the event and the Army National Guard can fold and present the flag. As an example, the VFW funeral event put on by two VFW posts, each post would receive $50.00. A VFW and American Legion group can put on the event and each group would get $50.00. A AMVETS and American Legion group can put on the event and each group would get $50.00.

More Information CLICK HERE